NICHOLAS PATULA (Modern Day Wolf Exposed) Seventh Day Remnant Church
NICHOLAS PATULA (Modern Day Wolf Exposed)
Matthew 7:15 - Beware of false prophets, which come to you in
sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
“We came in like lambs
and will rule like WOLVES. We shall be expelled like dogs and return like
eagles.” –-Francesco Borgia (3rd Jesuit Superior General from 1565-1572)
When anyone does a very intense historical check on the infiltration of the Jesuit order in America, you will see how today that it is over-run by Jesuits. Most of the pulpits today and the deceptions are because of this Jesuit order. They are designed and setup to be a stumbling block to those who are searching for the truth. When one truly searches for the truth, they will come to the understanding that the protestant churches of today are no longer protesting against the Vatican which is the seat of Satan, which includes the SDA church who has backslidden from her own responsibilities’ of protesting against Rome through proclaiming the 3 angels message of Revelation 14. Martin Luther who started the protest against Rome even declared who the whore of Babylon was for these end times and the antichrist that would change the truth into a lie through much deception.
When the papacy reached Luther, he said: “I despise and
attack it, as impious, false.... It is Christ Himself who is condemned
therein.... I rejoice in having to bear such ills for the best of causes.
Already I feel greater liberty in my heart; for at last I know that the pope is
antichrist, and that his throne is that of Satan himself.”-D’Aubigne, b. 6,
ch. 9.
When you take a look at America closely
you can see just how our government is patterned after Rome, our churches are
patterned after Rome, our economic system is patterned after Rome, our school
system is patterned after Rome and controlled by Catholics and our building
structures are patterned after Rome and along with the evil characters of our
society is patterned after Rome’s Babylonian (Sodom of harlotry).
"The Roman Catholic motto is
ourselves alone for fellow Roman Catholics. We must defeat all heretics (non
Catholics) at the ballot box. The holy father states that negative tactics are
fatal. The demands of the holy father (the pope) are that the public services
should be 100% Roman Catholic soon. Care must be taken that no suspicion may be
raised when Roman Catholics are secretly given more government jobs than
Protestants, Jews and other heretics." -Archbishop Gilroy
"There is, ere long, to be a state
religion in this country, and that state religion is to be the Roman
1st. The Roman Catholic is to wield his vote for the purpose of
securing Catholic ascendancy in this country.
2nd. All legislation must be governed by the
will of God, unerringly indicated by the pope.
3rd. EDUCATION must be controlled by
Catholic Authorities, and under education the opinions of the individual and
the utterances of the press are included, and many opinions are to be forbidden
by the secular arm, under the authority of the Church, even to war and
bloodshed." (Father Hecker,
Catholic World, July 1870.)
"Undoubtedly it is the intention of
the pope to possess this country. In this intention he is aided by the Jesuits,
and all the Catholic prelates and priests." (Brownson's Review, May 1864)
ARE EVER DESTROYED, they will fall by the hands of the CATHOLIC CLERGY." (Lafayette.)
"See, sir, from this Chamber, I
govern, not only to Paris, but to China; not only to China, but to all the
world, without anyone knowing how I do it." (Tamburini, General of the Jesuits.)
you look at the Jesuit infiltration in America one can only see why now "It
no longer can be said today that the U.S. is a Protestant country." -Cardinal Strich of Chicago, quoted
in Time Magazine, Aug. 5, 1955.
So, from the birth of America it was the
Vatican’s studied efforts to infiltrate all walks of life in order to secure
her end time plans to bring the world under her control once again and all who
do not comply must die like in her past history of the inquisition.
"That the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any
other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competent
knowledge of history . . . It is impossible to form a complete conception of
the multitude of her victims, and it is quite certain that no powers of imagination can
adequately realize their sufferings." --W.
E. H. Lecky, History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in
Europe, vol. 2, p. 32, 1910 edition. (An
excellent though lengthy article describing in detail the right of the Roman
Catholic Church to do this, will be found in The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol.
12, p. 266.)
Not only has Rome slaughtered millions of
lives through the literal sword, but today she continues to do it spiritually
through false teachings and doctrines. Satan knows that if he can get one
foothold on one life he can get another and another until they are completely
entangled therein.
2 Peter 2:20 - For if after
they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the
latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
This is where the Jesuit order comes in
for Satan to destroy lives through falsehoods. They are great pretenders for
these end times. They all have secret lives. Only those who are great public
actors can handle being seen in public, while others hide to do a work behind
websites and their own personal online ministries where they hide from the
general public. These Jesuits fulfill this passage in the book of Jude.
Jude 1:4 - For there are
certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this
condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,
and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
These men will have no former truthful
testimony of themselves. They will have no record of truth regarding where they
went to high school because they know if you found out you could search out
their friends on facebook and start digging, so on and so forth. These men who
have crept in unaware claim to be the workers of Christ, but they are deceivers
of unrighteousness working for the Pope's purpose to slay the remnant of God in
these last days through spiritual death. They look holy outwardly, but inwardly
they are full of hypocrisies, lies, slanderous men, false accusers, backbiters
and cult leaders that if anyone would question their rule (Pope-hood) then they
will be torn to pieces and thrown away threw their slanderous lies towards those
questioning them. They have a serious spirit of control and an anger problem
like none other. The BIBLE says that if you look close enough at their lives
and characters, you shall know them by their fruits -Matthew 7:16.
These Jesuit's efforts are just like
those in the political arena where they pretend to be your friend, but they are
truly your enemy. For nearly 200 years catholic families have been placed into
society to change it and make it catholic. All walks of life they are purposely
put there to globalize their Sunday law enforcement agenda. Many would ask, why
would they be preachers of the Sabbath day, but then cause us to worship on
Sunday? How so one may ask? Very simple, they will speak 95 percent truth, but
then they will add small errors here and there to ultimately get you to sink
further into their errors and falsehoods. They will do everything very smoothly
and slowly so that they are not detected so easily, but for those who pick up
on their movements and changes of doctrine, these pretenders of truth will
perform a slanderous sacrifice against those they cannot deceive. The reason
why they have to slander the person and murder them through that tactic is so
that others will see these truthful Christians as monsters and the people would
think twice about listening to them in all the truth they may have in exposing
the very ministers that are the actual wolves. This tactic of slandering those
Christians who would otherwise expose these Jesuits is thus shutdown. This is
the same tactic the Pharisees did to Jesus. When they could not challenge
Christ and the truth He had, these evil men sought after false accusing and
slandering Christ. Christ warned the world of this...
John 15:18 - If the world hate you, ye
know that it hated me before [it hated] you.
So, like many of us who have seen how the
churches today, including the SDA church has given themselves over to the
Catholic church, we understand that we must leave, and in doing so, we then
find that most churches in the world on every street corner are a part of this
apostasy too, thus leading us to look online to only find there are many
ministries doing the same similar tactics that these Jesuits were doing in our
former churches. One thing is for sure, any ministry who has a 501c3, or c4 or
any other tax exempt status; they belong to Rome through the government. Rome
owns the IRS and if you come across any church holding a tax exempt status,
they are a government agency and are wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. This
is one of the many ways you can know to flee from that church. Jesuits will
also have ways to hide their ability of being tax exempt because they have
special privileges from their Roman Google to hide their vast Jesuit order.
They will be able to use PAYPAL without having a 501c3 being displayed to the
general public and they will be able to link their ministry bank accounts to
their PayPal without any problems. You will also notice that these ministries
have special privileges and abilities to be seen by millions through their
website and other services.
Again, these Jesuits are placed there in
these small ministries known as offshoots (Not all small ministries are run by
Jesuits. You must investigate them fully) to the Old SDA truths in order to
lure you into their church to hold you captive, while taking down your name for
their record books to eventually hunt you down at the appointed time, cast you
into the coming FEMA camps and then death. It is like what JFK had said before
the Jesuit order killed him...
* “The very word “secrecy” is repugnant
in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically
opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings”
* “Today no war has been declared — and
however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional
fashion. Our way of life is under attack”
* “We are opposed around the world by a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for
expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on
subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on
guerrillas by night instead of armies by day”
* “It is a system which has conscripted
vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly
efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic,
scientific and political operations” - JFK
Speech that got him killed by the Vatican Jesuit Order.
The enormity of what is going on behind
the scenes is so unbelievable that the individual is handicapped by coming face
to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The [...]
mind simply has not com to a realization of the evil which has been introduced
into our midst. - J Edgar Hoover
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), United States
They [Catholics] must penetrate wherever
possible in the administration of civil affairs... all Catholics should do all
in their power to cause the constitution of states, and legislation to be
modeled on the principles of the true Church." -Encyclical of Leo XIII.
"The old Protestant culture is about
at the end of its rope... Why can't we make the U.S. Catholic in legislation,
Catholic in justice, aims and ideals?" -Father F. X. Talbot, editor of America, official Jesuit magazine for
the U.S. statement in New York Globe Dec. 14, 1930
"Religious liberty is merely endured
until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic
Church." -Bishop O'Conner of
"If Catholics ever gain sufficient
numerical majority in this country, religious freedom is at an end. So our
enemies say; so we believe" -The
Shephard of the Valley, journal of the late bishop of St. Louis.
These Jesuits have set up stumbling
blocks at every corner for the children of God to encounter discouragements.
They want you to grow weary and tired that you will just give up on searching
for the truth. These Jesuits will set up their own ministries where they have
so much truth in them so anyone who would have any good sight and understanding
that the only thing they can do is separate from their churches who are sinking
into the great apostasy, but then just get caught up into the snares, they will
meet this supposed end time Remnant ministries to be again entangled into Satan
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 - For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Meet Nicholas Patula in the above picture from, which is the Seventh Day Remnant Church and America’s largest online church. This church mixes a lot of truth with false doctrine and prophecies for these last days, which is designed to draw people back into their former apostate churches. This church is based out by Fowler Indiana area, which is also known as, Presents of God ministry PO Box 522 Fowler, Indiana 47944
This Nicholas was raised
Catholic in the Chicago IL area based on his own testimony. He grew up in a
very large deep Catholic family. He supposedly left the Catholic Church with no
formal college education, but his skills proclaim something else of a computer
programmer like his son Nicholas who has a degree in this field. Nicholas
Patula has accomplished building his own servers, hosting his own websites,
maintaining them and having the intellect of a scholar trained to deceive. Many
have understood that Nicholas uses NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) If you want to know a little more about
this Nicholas Patula’s past in these remnant movements, you can contact this pastor
Joel Laswell here
of us have spent a few years with the SDR (Seventh Day Remnant Church) of and have seen over the years many people abused verbally to
the point that many have cried and went away offended of being mistreated,
which many can testify of this. You can find on this man’s website that one of
his vast portions of his work is to slander many ministries that he has been
connected to in previous years for questioning Nicholas. When certain
ministries have stayed quiet and refused to expose this Nicholas for fear of
what might happen to them, Nicholas removes them from his slanders page which
is actually placed on his index page about wolves. This fruit is the forefront
of his work. The funny thing about all this is how you can find nothing about
Nicholas on that page about himself. His has a long list of ministries he has
spent slandering and falsely accusing. After meeting this man through the phone
and spending time communicating with him through emails, you will eventually
see how his slanders pages should only be about himself and his own sins. Why
does he do this to people? It is his tactic to cover up his own evils, which
many have labeled his work as the Jesuit type; he must slander and falsely
accuse others to hide his own true image. No minister of God would ever do such
a thing to souls as Nicholas has done to others, but would do the works of Christ
in trying to help these souls rather than destroy them if they truly were in
sin. But again, the purpose behind destroying these souls is to shut them up
and shut them down from being able to expose these wolves for who they truly
is one ministry who really has to hide behind the phone, behind the computer
and never appears on his videos because most who have publicly met this man
has left. There is even a recorded event where a family for the Carolina’s had
visited this Nicholas Patula to be baptized but yet they found themselves
getting right back into the car and going home because of what they had
encountered with this Nicholas. Many in this SDR church will not last long at
all. They have no gospel order, no other ordained workers, Nicholas stands over
his church as the president and one that should never be questioned. No one has
any sure background of this man and his past. He has no solid proof of his
Biblical ordination other than the church of Joel Laswell who was actually said
he was ordained a deacon, but was disfellowshipped for sins which we all will
not reveal this personal matter, but you can simply email the ministry and they
will gladly give you the info they have on file of Nicholas. So, anyone who
tries to investigate this Nicholas and his past, you will run into a dead end
road. This man is hiding from something and is hiding from being exposed. We
have found some testimonies and of one ministry who is actually starting to
expose this Nicholas and his doctrines here.
Pastor Joel Laswell, Pastor Terry Wellham, and Pastor Craig have clear testimonies. They were all connected to this SDR movement of Nicholas and have all been slandered by Nicholas Patula when trying to help Nicholas see his own errors, sins, false doctrines and false prophecies. There are numerous souls who have felt this SDR cult leaders slanderous ways. Anyone who may spend some time with this Nicholas's cult will see just what we are all talking about. This man has a mission to decieve, discourage, and tear down all who will not obey him. If you try to do a search on this Nicholas, this Vatican controlled Google search engine removes them.
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